Bacardi & Martini asks for a big concept in order to unify all Dewar’s Scotch Whisky communication worldwide, and its corresponding print presentation campaign
In opposition to the demanding Keep Walking of its main competitor the brand present Dewarism, a kind of philosophical movement based on ancient writings of the company’s founder, Tommy Dewar, defending the possibility of enjoying life without giving up success
Design, Art Direction
In opposition to the demanding Keep Walking of its main competitor the brand present Dewarism, a kind of philosophical movement based on ancient writings of the company’s founder, Tommy Dewar, defending the possibility of enjoying life without giving up success
Design, Art Direction

The Identity
The Red Book of Dewarism works as the manual of standars to apply its visual identity to communication pieces or merchandising

Creative direction Oriol Villar, copywriting Claudio Letelier, graphic design Miquel Capo, agency Villarrosàs, client Jaime Mussons from Bacardi & Martini
Barcelona, London, 2007
Communication, Campaign, Logo, Guidelines, Commerce, Food & Drinks
Dewar’s 12 Special Reserve