Carrefour Identity
In applying its new corporate identity, the brand requests the creation of a system to organize all the information received by a customer in their stores; after analyze the huge quantity, it is classified into two main groups: Signage (information for orientation) and Communication (commercial messages)
Design, Creative Direction, Art Direction
Design, Creative Direction, Art Direction

Due to the high visual contamination in hypermarkets, a very essential graphic language is chosen and a collection of pictograms based on the corporate typography is developed
Due to the high visual contamination in hypermarkets, a very essential graphic language is chosen and a collection of pictograms based on the corporate typography is developed

It is clarified with three codes, depending on the nature of its content: Brand (messages with corporate values, in a photographic background), Store (messages helping in the buying experience, in a color background) and Product (messages about product characteristics, in a white background)

In order to be easily adapted to different stores in different countries by different people, the system is regulated with a detailed guidelines

Strategy Fernando Reborio from Alfil Negro, photography Getty Images, client Paloma Pérez from Carrefour Spain and David Martin from Carrefour France
Madrid, Paris, 2011
Identity, Guidelines, Communication, Campaign, Signage, Commerce, Food & Drinks
Carrefour EMMA